Category: Virus of the mind

riot after riot

This attempts to show that in India there has been periodic, systemic pogroms of minorities with widespread tacit support of the state and the majority Hindu population. In India, these pogroms are euphemistically called ‘riots’. Upper Caste(UC) Hindus in India have imagined historic grievances about excesses by the Muslim rulers in the past 1000 years …

You never know what They’ll say next.. 2

I was having this discussion with this person. Let’s call him Veeru(name changed). Veeru has the reputation for being the most ‘liberal’ in my extended family. He is often at odds with his brother who is an unashamed Hindu supremacist fascist. We were trying to discuss state of Indian society, creeping fascism, repression and violence …

‘God did it!’ approach to the Universe and its mysteries

I’ve noticed a lot of people somehow see God as a “magical default.” That is, unless there is no natural explanation available for a phenomenon OR even if all the evidence in the world is available for a naturalistic explanation, but they are either unaware of it or never really understood it is simply assumed …

Astrology is NOT science!

I have come across a shockingly high number of reasonably educated and intelligent Indians who happen to buy into the belief that ‘astrology is a science’. This article hopes to show otherwise. Last night this was thrown at me again. I am tired of going over the same thing over and over again so from …

You never know what they will say next.. 001

This series will be based upon experiences of debating theists. I like Hitchens’s line, “you never know what they’re going to say next…” Although I make it a point not get into any such debate with any philosophically unsophisticated theist, but in the face of spectacular absurdity one can’t help but say something.